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Software Releases • [SOLVED] JointLogic B-Folders 3

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 | 3:00 AM

JointLogic B-Folders 3


B-Folders is a secure database and organizer for your personal and business information. Like in a safe you can store notes with trade secrets, passwords, credit cards, contacts etc. With its unique sync technology you can sync all your phones, desktop and laptop computers.

Uses of B-Folders
- store emergency and survival info that you need to be always with you
- keep passwords for web sites and computer accounts
- store trade secrets and financial info - contacts, credit cards, banking info
- store reference info organized in a hierarchy of categories
- jot notes with ideas, tasks etc.
- keep a diary/journal
- brainstorm in a mind mapping way
- keep lists of tasks, shopping items etc.
- keep track of projects and sub-projects with planning notes, list of tasks and related materials
- implement Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology
- total synchronization between multiple computers and mobile devices - the content of your data items, location in the folder structure and the order of items in the folders is synchronized
- fully encrypted database with strong, password-based 256-bit AES algorithm
- store different types of items in a hierarchy of folders
- organize your data by moving items between folders and reordering items in folders
- search by type and text
- back up and restore - the reserve copy is kept on the SD memory card
- export to a CSV text file - in case you want to import you data in other application
- import (via the desktop version) directly from eWallet text, SplashID CSV and generic CSV files

I've been using SplashID for years on PalmOS and I tried it on my Android since there is a release available, but it did not end well...
The SplashID for Android DESKTOP application is ok, but the Android application is way too slow. It takes almost 30 sec to display the Category list and another 15 sec to display the items for a specific Category... UNUSABLE

This is why I searched for a replacement and B-Folders 2 is really incredible.
First it can import SplashID records, so the migration is easy.
Then you can synchronize through USB with the B-Folders Desktop application, which is really a must when you have no wifi around.

The Android app is free, but the Desktop app requires a licence.

More Info:

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Marketdroidapps.blogspot.com

Crack Instructions:

I took some time to look at the B-Folders 3 Desktop app and I found out a quite simple workaround that makes possible to use the TRIAL Desktop version (meaning with no valid license key) almost forever and with all features available.

This is not quite a crack or keygen, but it is working very well so I thought you'd want to know about it.

Here is the procedure (which relies as well on the attached file):


*** "B-Folders Desktop for Windows TRIAL Edition" ***
***           database trick procedure            ***
(tested with :
- desktop : v3.0.10 (for Windows)
- android : v3.0.6

procedure 1 : (applicable if you already have an Android with B-Folders so you can synchronize the Desktop version with the Android version)
!!! NOTE : this method BIG advantage is that you won't have to re-create by hand the   !!!
!!!        folder tree created in B-Folders at the end of the procedure                !!!
- Run the Desktop app.
- Synchronize your Android B-Folders with your Desktop B-Folders (through USB for instance - see tutorial here: <http://jointlogic.com/b-folders/help/sync/tutorial_usb.vm>) (if you get "non-symetric conflict" error, you may have to delete the database on one end - the outdated one - and then the synchro works).
Even though your Desktop version has expired, it is still possible to synchronize the Android app with the Desktop app.
- Quit the Destkop app.
- Delete the 'C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\B-Folders3\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs' file
- Rename the 'C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\B-Folders3\workspace\database\repo.srd' file to 'repo.trial.srd'
- Copy the 'repo_bf3_empty_0000_2099-12-31.srd' file in 'C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\B-Folders3\workspace\database\' and rename it to 'repo.srd'
- Launch the Desktop app. B-Folders tries then to open the new "repo_bf3_empty_0000_2099-12-31" database.
- Enter the password: "0000" (without the ").
- Synchronize again your Android B-Folders with your Desktop B-Folders (through USB for instance - see tutorial here: <http://jointlogic.com/b-folders/help/sync/tutorial_usb.vm>).
---> that's it :-) the Desktop database is dated "2099" and unless an upcoming upgrade checks for databases
     that are too advanced in time, you've got now a "Trial" B-Folders Desktop application fully functionnal for a few years from now :-)
    How to check this:
    B-Folders > Help > License Info --> Trial period expires on January 30, 2100
    File 'C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\B-Folders3\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs' --> PID-3-2=4102413417148 --> '4102413417' + '148' --> '4102413417' Unix Time = Thu, 31 Dec 2099 15:16:57 UTC (http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm)

procedure 2 : (applicable if you only use the Desktop version and you do not synchronize it with an Android version)
- Run the Desktop app.
- Export your data in CSV/B-Folders format.
!!! ATTENTION : this export does not keep the folder tree created in B-Folders         !!!
!!!             you'll therefore have some work (or not) to re-create this in the end  !!!
- Quit B-Folders.
- Delete the 'C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\B-Folders3\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs' file
- Rename the 'C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\B-Folders3\workspace\database\repo.srd' file to 'repo.trial.srd'
- Copy the 'repo_bf3_empty_0000_2099-12-31.srd' file in 'C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\B-Folders3\workspace\database\' and rename it to 'repo.srd'
- Launch the Desktop app. B-Folders tries then to open the new "repo_bf3_empty_0000_2099-12-31" database.
- Enter the password: "0000" (without the ").
- Re-import the data you exported at the beginning in CSV/B-Folders format.
- Re-create your folder tree in B-Folders
---> that's it :-) the Desktop database is dated "2099" and unless an upcoming upgrade checks for databases
     that are too advanced in time, you've got now a "Trial" B-Folders Desktop application fully functionnal for a few years from now :-)
    How to check this:
    B-Folders > Help > License Info --> Trial period expires on January 30, 2100
    File 'C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\B-Folders3\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs' --> PID-3-2=4102413417148 --> '4102413417' + '148' --> '4102413417' Unix Time = Thu, 31 Dec 2099 15:16:57 UTC (http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm)

repo_bf3_empty_0000_2099-12-31.srd (unzip the archive):



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